IMA Michigan Council Events in 2020-2021
The Council sponsored and hosted the 19th Annual Fall Professional Education Conference on October 15th & 16th, 2020 via WebEx. There were over 100 attendees at the conference both days including several outside the council area. Our speakers were nationally renowned including IMA Chair-Elect Steve Mcnally and Kristine Brands. The topics presented, representing 8 hours of CPE were Economic Update, CFO Hot Topic: Preparing for the Next Disruption, Strategies for Resolving Ethical Dilemmas, Profitability Analytics, Tax and Accounting update, Leadership, & RPA. Based on feedback the conference was very well received by those who attended the conference.
The Council along with the Ohio Council had planned on sponsoring a hospitality suite at the Annual Conference in Atlanta, however due to the Conference’s cancellation we were unable to complete this.
In March 2021, the Council had planned to support the Michiana Chapter Student Conference held virtually and there were scheduled presentations about IMA and the CMA program as well as handouts provided to attendees about the CMA. However after soliciting feedback from presenters and students, the lack of a networking component combined with several presentations better aimed at an in-person event led to the event being cancelled this year.
Members of the Council Board made presentations regarding the CMA and the IMA to the following:
- University of Edinburgh August 2020
- Ivy Tech students in September 2020
- Eastern Michigan University Beta Alpha Psi February 2021
The council was able to add new talent to the council as the president nominated Dan Rozic and Paul Bukowski to be considered for addition to the Council Board, and they were both approved. Of note, Dan lives outside the US in Canada, and Paul has experience with foreign suppliers thus they help to increase the council’s diversity and international exposure.
Michigan Council Board members continue to show servant leadership at the Global Level:
- Sue Bos, Global Ethics Committee Member, Campus Influencer, SCMS Past President, and attended open sessions of the Global Board Meeting
- John Engel, SCMS Communications Chair - Website, Leadership Academy Faculty
- Chris Mishler, Chair-Emeritus of the Global Technology Solutions and Practice Committee
- Brenda Engel, SCMS Communications Chair – Spotlight, and Leadership Academy Faculty
- Evan Scarbrough, SCMS Education Chair, SCMS Social Media Ambassador, Student Case Competition Judge, Global Small Business Subcommittee Co-Chair, Leadership Academy Faculty, authored an article in Strategic Finance, participated in creating a white paper on COVID, moderated and presented webinars globally via IMA
- Dana Collins is a Campus Influencer and SCMS Past President